[i]"Those spirits..... those children...."[/i] Yume released Shirako's arm and gently caressed her stomach. [i]"I don't know how.... but I felt something really deep back then when I met those children. We need to find them. They need our help....[/i] She tugged onto Kiku's arm and shook it. [i]"Kiku, you believe me, right? You heard it too, right? Remember the weird images I told you about?"[/i] She remembered the spirits, the horrifying images that were to be considered as 'memories' and behind their evil laughter were cries for help. As much as she wanted to convey that this was not a joke by screaming, she knew this would give her stomach pressure. [i]"They need us. They need our help. We need to go ba-"[/i] Yume's plead suddenly concluded by a whiff of a foul smelling odor that came from who-knows-where and swarmed around them. Along that was another deep sensation, a sensation of negativity, a sensation of something inside you saying [b]NO[/b]. What's going on? What is this? Affirmatively, no one knew. The strong mixture made Yume's mind slowly black out. Her consciousness weakened, and so did her sight. Her body temperature started to rise up. Touching her burning forehead, her heavy body swayed towards Kiku's side, but was able to catch his shoulder with the little strength she had left inside her. Trying her best to keep herself on both of her feet, this obviously was not a good sign for the young lady at all. Not only was she suffering from blood loss, but also the urge for food and water starting to rise up in which she was sure that her partners nor herself has. A few moments passed and Yume's expression continued to remain blank. [i]"...I wanna go home..."[/i] Were words that escaped from her mouth. Through this line and through her strange and different tone of voice, something from this was easy to make out; This was not Yume.This was not her nor was it likely of her at all. It was like.... someone else inside her body. Yume then started to grip Kiku's shoulder tightly, digging her nails through it. [i]"I wanna go home I wanna go home I wanna go home I wanna go home...."[/i]