Yume held onto him as well and Kiku did his best to support her as they passed through the corridor. She seemed to be struggling with her wound still. "If your wound hurts so much, say something okay?" he encouraged her. He'd be glad to help her by carrying her or something. Kiku did learn how to carry injured people properly, it looked like a perfect time to put them to use. As they walked, something felt off. He actually felt it since they went out the infirmary, but he thought it was just the [I]aftereffects[/I] of his earlier attacks. Now he was sure. Something was off. He doesn't know what though. They ran to the infirmary, so he didn't really notice if there were changes. But now, he just feels... uneasy. Looking in front, he had the urge to stop walking and go back to where they came from. Suddenly, Yume made the two stop as she mentioned [I]spirits[/I]. [I]'Those.. things from earlier? Thinking about it...'[/I] What Yume said was true, "The spirits earlier called for help..." he said as a reply to Shirako as well. "The ones you saved us from. They were saying [I]'Help...'[/I] before they charged at us." Yume continued to talk about the children. She looked as if she was panicking. "Y-Yume calm down." though, she continued, asking Kiku about them too. "I do believe you, but I think looking for them right now is.. bad," pointing at Yume's stomach afterwards. Kiku understood. The children's actions, something was behind them. He has no idea what. However, Yume's [I]memories[/I] seemed relevant to the spirits. She, unexpectedly, started screaming. She was desperate about the three children from earlier. "B-But we really can't... Huh?" A strange scent reached his nose. "Do you guys sme-" Yume grabbed his shoulders. Kiku only realized now that she was falling. "H-Hey! Are you o-" grabbing her, Kiku noticed her high temperature. "W-We need to go back!" She was really burning up, and having a fever in the middle of nowhere is bad. With her injuries and all, it's one of the worst things that could happen right now. Kiku was about to lift her to bring her to safety in the fastest way possible. However, he noticed that her face became devoid of expression all of a sudden. [I]"...I wanna go home..."[/I], she said unexpectedly. Her voice, it sounded different. "Y-Yume...?!" Kiku tried shaking her a bit, "Yume! Yume!" it felt like he was holding a lifeless body. "Shirako! What's happening?!" panicking, he called to the other person that's with them. It was strange, he doesn't understand what's happening at all. She continuously chanted what she just said. Kiku felt like he's holding someone that was Yume yet not. She felt so different, she sounded different. It was like, she was being possessed. [I]'There's no way...![/I] Pain struck his shoulder suddenly and saw that Yume, or rather the one within her is holding his shoulder so tight that the nails were digging in his skin. He wasn't sure what to do. He didn't want to leave her, but it was really painful. "Y... Yume..!" It was unbearable that he had no choice but to forcibly remove Yume's hand from his shoulder. Doing so, Kiku gained a wound on his shoulder. It was bleeding, but it wasn't that bad. All these thing she's doing, this wasn't the same person at all, "Yume! Wake up! This isn't you!" he shouted, ignoring his wound on his shoulder, he still continued to shake her. He tried to bring his friend back and whoever is controlling her to leave. Remembering that Shirako managed to make the spirits leave earlier, he called to him for help once more, "S-Shirako! Do that thing again! Please...!"