Honestly I don't mind Laiza and Gavin while they seem very 'anime' couple-y to me its interesting to see how you think a relationship ought to be. If Illiendi hated Laiza he would have killed her already. If he thought she was a cow he would have said MY opinion and not the COUNTRY he's faking to be from. His intention was to diffuse it by saying 'sorry this was what I was bought up believing' but instead she/you took it as a personal attack. I mean here in England its considered a bit rude to burp at dinner but if you DON'T burp at dinner in India it's considered very rude. It's a difference in cultures and for Amano, Gavin and Laiza to sit there mentally cussing Illiendi out for doing his best to point out he was just raised thinking differently seems more of an OOC attack than an IC one. Yeah Illiendi is going to seem a bit alien because very basically he IS, he was created an Angel, superior in every way, gods first children etc etc. Pick up a bible and check yourself they have ego issues. AND he's a demon, he lost EVERYTHING his creators love, which if you read the bible was devastating to the fallen angels more than being cast from heaven, his home, his wings, his identity. He's gone from being one of the most important beings, experiencing the PUREST form of love there can ever be, to being locked in an eternal nightmare cut off from that love for longer than most life has been on this planet. He's watched humanity take his beautiful home and destroy it, he's watched them move ever closer to destroying the entire planet with their selfish greed and inability to see further than their expanse of their own short lives. To think he was ever going to be, especially this early on, anything but anti-human is silly and to expect him to cast aside thousands of years of lores, cultures, religions and conform just to what Amano wants him to is insane. He's not a pet he's a demon wasting some time because he's bored. I'd honestly rather you just leave the posts in, even if I don't like Laiza so what? There's bound to be things we don't agree on and that's not a bad thing. I still remember the post so I'm going to reply to it as is. Gavin and Laiza there, unless you truly honestly tell me you don't want her there. You like her and honestly this upset is hardly going to go away just because the posts have. You still think very little of me/Illiendi and I'll know Amano will always look down on Illiendi if he ever shows any other way of thinking than Amano's.