Speaking on behalf of the Guild’s Internet Relay Chat operators (chat moderators), I have a few points -- don’t worry, I’ll expand on all of them. It doesn’t address the entirety of your post or suggestions, mostly the parts that involve us. [list=1] [*]Your third suggestion literally already exists.[/*] [*]Your second suggestion is not necessarily achievable.[/*] [*]Your permanent ban from #roleplayerguild was justified and recorded.[/*] [/list] To begin, let me provide a rundown of the IRC’s existence. The [url=wbe001.mibbit.com/?settings=e9cbe19376cc5fadb5f64539182e8230&server=irc.foonetic.net&channel=%23roleplayerguild]Roleplayerguild.com Internet Relay Chat[/url] is an [b]off-topic community run specifically by members of Roleplayerguild.com who do not have moderator powers on the Guild.[/b] It’s actually a rule, you can’t be an operator/admin on the IRC if you already have Guildside powers. [quote]They would need to be unconnected to Guild Moderation, or it defeats the purpose by simply becoming a Guild extension.[/quote] OK. Check. [quote]Said off site chats need to help encourage community and involvement, not cliches and divisions[/quote] What the operators have interpreted this suggestion to mean is “we would like a roleplaying-based offsite chat, or at least one where we can discuss RP.” TBH, the IRC primarily exists as an off-topic chat for people who enjoy roleplaying, but don’t want to discuss it 24/7. We do have conversations that revolve around roleplaying, and we don’t discourage chatting about roleplaying (though we frown upon people using the channel for interest checks, because god those can be annoying). It’s not our [i]raison d’etre[/i], nor would we want it to be. So the first half of that works out as existing. By suggesting that you need to have a chat that’s all RP all the time, you’re essentially dictating a conversation you won’t always be a part of, with the expectation that someone will always be able to pick up the thread and run with it, so to speak. For anyone who frequents a chatroom, you would understand why this is unrealistic to manage: People talk about so much ridiculous nonsense a majority of the time that it’s impossible to actually steer a conversation any which way. And, bonus: The #roleplayerguild chat has a roleplaying-specific side channel, #rpgchat, that we provide to members looking for roleplaying space in chat format. Nobody uses it, because nobody asks. Now, regarding your ban. You, Gwazi, were personally banned from the IRC for completely and flagrantly disregarding [url=https://docs.google.com/document/d/1brD7BmGYPyDjZCKLFpPASSCRPY4LraYs1OGgbOWDSYw/edit]the rules that every single member of the chat is provided upon entry.[/url] You not only entered as three different people (verifiable by IP address), you tossed around racial slurs without appropriate context and deliberately ignored other chat members who warned you about having multiple nicks (connections) in the channel. Also, for whatever reason, you decided to aggressively argue with yourself about a topic you’d been peacefully debating with another chat member at the time. We don’t publicize why people are banned if they are based on user reports, nor do we needlessly ban individuals from our chat without clear violation of our rules. Even if the ban had not been justifiable (it was), there are procedures in place that will allow members to contest the ban. As a member of Oldguild, and someone who has visited IRC in the past, you should have known better. You want to foster community on RPG. That’s an admirable goal, and it is to the benefit of everyone who hangs out on the website or in IRC that it succeed. However, if you want to throw shade at any part of this community, check your facts. And if you want to play this “banned over a small joke” card, you’d best remember that there is an operator or chat admin online, if not available, about 99% of the time. And we keep logs. Regards, The #Roleplayerguild operators