Even as he approached the woman with the vampire the woman disappeared, with a small 'pop'. The vampire, at first being confused, sniffed the air and growled. He turned and searched for a target before he saw the muscular man heading for him. "You! Was it you who used that magic?!" He asked, angry. "That was my kill damn it!" Even as the vamp spoke the other humans, still unconscious in the clearing, disappeared as well, a small symphony of the soft pops that still echoed around for a ways. The vamp looked at each pop and seemed to be growing more and more... afraid. He looked at the human and spoke quickly. "If you aren't doing it then run, NOW!" The vampire began running towards the forest as well, quickly, having lost it's appetite. "DAMN WITCH!" He called back as he disappeared into the trees. It is just now that the two humans noticed the area was painfully still. No creature stirred, they seemed to be completely alone, despite the feeding frenzy happening among other spots where humans landed. For whatever reason, despite knowing full well that there was two perfectly good humans for the munching, the beasts stayed away. Even a few beasts not two far away looked over, definitely seeing the two humans, but trotted away quickly upon sensing danger...