To be trained, commanded, loved, and cared for. I love my dog, and shower her with affection, but I use her to guard the house and me when I'm out late at night. A pet is there, in no uncertain terms, for the owner's amusement. Yes, they are happy to be with their owner if they are a good owner, but that does not make them human or anything. I'll admit, I like my dog far more than my screwdriver, and to that end I think Illiendi would be better viewed as a pet since that is far more pleasant an outlook, but the fact remains that she is my possession and I use her for my amusement. Don't get the wrong idea, I really do love my dog, but all pets serve a purpose and in all respects, a tool to be used by their owner, even if it's a fish that is used as a stress reliever for a over worked college student. So to me, pets are tools I love rather than just use, maintain, and store. Sorry if that makes me sound evil or something.