NS: [hider=The Kimo] Name of civilization: United Federation of Independent Star Systems (UFISS or AaROK in Hypassi, the predominant Kimo Language) Race: Kimo Description of race: The Kimo are short and stubby mammals (at only about a metre in height) compared to a human, they are physically weak, have poor environmental tolerance and a poor natural frame. They are however quite smart and cunning which makes them capable of some very impressive feats of engineering, science, economy, politics and tactics. Their homeworld of Soto orbiting the star Sithar boasts a great variety of climates. Most are quite temperate and would have been highly suited for human habitation, unfortunately, Kimo evolved in a tropical environment where temperatures rarely dropped below 30°C and given their low environmental tolerances, they could not survive for long in such conditions. In fact, what a human would consider room temperature would actually cause hypothermia in a Kimo therefore, for most of their history, the Kimo species lived exclusively in the equatorial regions of their homeworld, only managing to colonise ‘colder’ regions very slowly. This made comfortable living space into one of their most treasured resources, sparking many armed conflicts. It also forced the Kimo to be very environmentally minded, always developing clean technologies to preserve the delicate balance of their planet’s climate. As a result, the Kimo never developed nuclear technology and instead harnessed the power of the sun and wind. This combined with sustainable agriculture to feed their herbivory species and their natural tendency to require very little water makes them perhaps the sentient species with the smallest environmental (and perhaps also literal) footprint. As Kimo populations grew and armed conflicts for living space became ever more prominent, a more peaceful initiative was launched by several nation states to colonise Tamo, one of Soto’s three large moons. It was the perfect candidate for such an initiative since Tamo possessed an atmosphere that could easily be terraformed by means of introduced plant species to allow for the construction of typical underground habitation complexes and farms above ground. These days, advanced ‘planetary maintenance’ facilities ensure that just about the entire moon is kept at a stable temperature, perfect for Kimo habitation, so that the people can live comfortably above ground without risk. In fact, conditions on the moon were often of better quality than most ‘cold’ colonies on Soto itself so more and more funding was allocated to colonise other bodies within their solar system leading to a veritable golden age of space exploration and relative peace since for the first time in Kimo history, living space was no longer scarce. The federation was first founded in those years to maintain this peace between the many nation states that had colonised other worlds and even the new independent nations that had developed in those places. Still, wars were fought but unlike the wars of the past, they were usually ended quickly and with relatively few deaths. Over the centuries, even the many bodies of the Sithar system began to suffer from over population and so once again, the Kimo set out to find new horizons to explore and settle. Other solar systems were reached by means of conventional live-ships, lacking FTL drives and more and more worlds were settled. Until a tremendous find was made. An ancient ship was discovered on a deserted planet where Turian survivors of the reaper war (which lasted decades after Shepard’s death and the defeat on Earth) had tried and failed to build a new life. That discovery ushered in yet another golden age of development for the Kimo but also made them incredibly scared of the unknown. A data file, the so called ‘Shepard’ found among the remains of the ancient colony carried a warning, now known to all Kimo. They are not alone and a terrible evil lurks in the black depths of space to swallow up any that dare rise too high. The Federation was quick to seize upon this new fear and immediately began an intense militarisation campaign. The Turian ship’s FTL drives were reverse engineered, as were its on board weapons, chiefly, the Thanix cannons and this knowledge was used to build the largest fleet in the known galaxy with 71 dreadnaughts (almost twice the size of the Turian navy at the start of the reaper war, the 30 most modern of which are kept on active duty while the rest are either held in docking to await deployment in times of war or mothballed, though with the option of reactivation in emergency situations. Their massive fleet and small but highly professional ground army allow the federation to create a great sense of security for the hundreds of worlds within their domain as well as keep them in line should any get thoughts of rebellion and true independence. It is the latter that is perhaps most necessary since Kimo expansion has been constant throughout their spacefaring history and their domain now encompasses hundreds of stars within their home cluster. Given Kimo nature, it would only be a matter of time before more established colonies would tear away and continue on their own without a strong hand to guide them, which in turn would leave all Kimo everywhere weakened for the time when the great evil rears its ugly head. Now, after the discovery of the closest mass relay in what was once Batarian space, a long distance away from their home star, another frontier has opened for the Kimo, though they are slow to embrace it. Massive military bases were founded on either side of the relay and only military vessels are permitted to pass through and chart the rest of the relay network. Other sentient and spacefaring life forms have since been discovered but the federation has not yet made contact with them for fear of being forced into its first major galactic engagement that would no doubt weaken them in the face of the great evil. Average lifespan of race: 85 Sithar years (100-110 solar years) Government of race: United Federation Federal Parliament (UFFP or ARRT in Hypassi) The Federation is a federal form of government where member worlds an nations are granted great independence in many matters such as their national laws and granted the protection of the massive Federation fleets in exchange for paying taxes to the Federation and supplying raw materials and knowledge for continued development. Each member state and world is allowed to send delegates to represent them in the Federation Parliament where they will have the right to vote on all matters concerning ‘the greater good’ such as interplanetary and inter system trade and military activity. This parliament gathers every Sithar year (roughly 1.2 solar years) and keeps a constant forum on ‘Tarotho Station’ orbiting the Kimo homeworld of Sota. Military description: As a result of their long history of warring nations, the Kimo actually consider themselves a warrior race. Sadly Kimo soldiers would not last long in close quarters combat against most other species although assault rifles do tend to be powerful equalisers. Their land based forces are of a high professional standard but are frequently outmatched by stronger and faster species. After all, their land forces are mainly equipped and trained to deal with small (on a galactic scale) insurgencies and not to conduct high level operations on alien worlds. It is their navy where the Kimo truly shine. As stated above, they have the largest navy in the known galaxy, boasting some of the most technologically advanced vessels around. Their race’s small size and physical weakness don’t matter much when in space and so they would prove a considerable challenge for any race with the desire to declare war on them. Although their lack of an effective ground force could prove difficult. Important people/Ranks: Chairman Biko Ner Visato, the current elected chairman of the Federation parliament for three Sithar years. She presides over all parliament sessions as well as the continuous forum. High-Admiral Miso Go Diras, leader of the Federation navy and highest ranking Kimo military officer. He holds over-all fleet command. Admiral Siri Kil Kratha, leader of the Federation first fleet and High-Admiral Diras’ second in command. Councillor Miku Nob, federation representative for Maro, the single most powerful system in the Federation and supplier of most heavy navy ships as well as the location for half the navy’s ‘standby’ dreadnaughts. She represents her system’s government in the parliament. Councillor Baron Bistri Vas Doro Na Milaski, federation representative for Polthiro, one of the most powerful systems in the Federation. He represents his star system’s government in the parliament. Professor-doctor Kas Need, chief science advisor for the Federtion parliament and lead researcher of the Tsoni institute (named after the ancient author of the ‘Shepard’ warning) she leads all research projects concerning the great evil and the Shepard warning. General Basal Nom Dako Di Mos, commander in chief of the Federation army and Marine forces. He is in charge of all planetary military activity and fleet security. Master-spy Hal Hel Hira, director of the Federation Intelligence Service. Despite the archaic title, her office is quite effective at monitoring all internal activity within the Federation domain. Religion: The Kimo know a great variety of religious persuasions which are all allowed due to the federal laws for religious freedom of its member systems, provided they do not violate other federal laws. The most widely practised form is that of ‘the temple of Dido’ which believes in the so called ‘life force’ “Dido” that permeates the entire galaxy. Import: (internal given lack of outside contact) Export: (internal given lack of outside contact) Description of your society and race: (see above) + Short, stubby herbivores. They have two eyes on the sides of their head and a smooth skin of brown colouring covered with tiny hairs. They are bipedal and have large flat feet with four long toes. Their hands are similar with four long fingers. They apear very clumsy but despite their weak frames, they are actually quite dextrous. Treaties: (no treaties with other species) [/hider] (there, I hope this holds up...also, enalais.. I'm very sorry to hear about the job. I was rooting for you...)