[i]Devil?[/i] Beelze thought, [i]I must have turned into the devil when I used my power on him. No wonder he's been giving me strange energy this whole time.[/i] Limbo managed to understand what Felice was trying to communicate. Beelze touched him on the shoulder. "Ego sum non a diabolo. Ego sum solum hic ad auxilium. Possumus cooperantur," he said while 'shifting' into the form of an angel, beautiful and bright. Beelze sent a tactile hallucination through Felice of a warm, comforting feeling. [i]These people here are so sketched out by things,[/i] he thought, enjoying the challenge. Others in his life had always been so trusting and easy to control. "Nunc, quid ergo vis loqui?" he asked, in a calm, relaxing tone.