Minan briefly took his attention off of Michiko to look at Luna, wanting to reply to her but instead giving a confused, slightly sympathetic look. He couldn't understand a thing she was saying. "You only speak for yourself. I'd kill myself before I'd let myself be arrested." He stated, completely serious. "Even if Eden does not exist I'm still making a decent profit off of this, it's far from a waste of time." He had gotten off track, but at this point holding his tongue was a skill slipping away from him the more he had to listen to her talk. "I may or may not be able to get in touch with a friend who knows a doctor, one we can trust. However the problem then becomes getting Luna to accept any help." Looking back for the Zenohunt, she was gone. How in the hell did he not notice that? "In any case, do not rely on me, and seek options that don't involve trips to clinics." Sure, he could get fake prescriptions no problem if he needed to, but this was a long shot. Walking out after Jasper to the quarters, Minan stopped to watch the scene. He heard her speak of her god, and shook his head at Jasper's attempt to console her. Seeing as his religious beliefs were based more on a concept, rather than a god, he couldn't fully relate; however he still understood that dishonoring a god wasn't to be taken lightly. He waited until the clicker was out of her hands before he decided to walk over, once again leaving Jasper holding her weight. Well, this was just fantastic. At least she was speaking. Speaking was good, meant that she was still there. He gently grabbed her chin, bringing her face up so he could see it. "Luna, stay with us." He told her before going to his bed, grabbing his communicator and trying to get in contact with people who knew the area.