As Gwen carefully peered around the corner once again, still seeing the gorgon standing not too far away. She dared to peer into the room behind her, specifically at the large water tank. At first, it looked like it was all just water. Maybe she had just imagined it. Suddenly, she saw something materialising slowly. First scales, then the shape of a fish tail until finally, before her eyes was the sight of a mermaid... no, a merman, and it was staring straight at her. Gwen let out a tiny yelp and her eyes widened. Surely this could not be real. Despite her doubts, there was something inside her that excited her. She couldn't believe it and she needed to get a closer look. Still carrying her metal briefcase with her, she slowly crept down the hallway. It was a huge risk and one wrong move and they would be spotted immediately by Medusa doppelganger. Gwen kept her steps light and swift and she soon found herself successfully within the confines of the room with the large tank. She gazed upon the merman in wonder and placed a hand on the glass as he too was pressed upon it. Gwen was speechless and wanted to ask so much but she wasn't sure if they would be able to communicate successfully. Instead, she just smiled gently, hoping it was enough to show that she meant no harm.