The first woman, the one Wen vaguely heard call everyone together back when she was still laying on the grass, took a more direct route then Wen had. Instead of waiting everyone out, the woman, who named herself Zephyr, took control of the situation. It was better her to take that role than Wen. Zephyr looked and sounded capable of getting the whole group to calm down and actually do something. While the others calmed down, Wen let the feelings of the different world envelop her. Everything felt calm and vibrant like a fantastic day that was fantastic for no discernible reason. Wen felt like that when she stood on the hill and overlooked miles of unexplored land. It felt like rainy days spent indoors, curling up under blankets, being outside when snow started falling, getting fast song lyrics right the first time; it felt like relaxation and fun. Remembering what the others said before, Wen didn't really want to leave. She would be left with nothing if she ever went to Earth. Everything she held dear, even if it was a materialistic standpoint, would be burnt to ashes or melted into a twisted wreckage that tainted the memories they held for her. Why would she ever want to go back? Wen heard the woman with dreadlocks give herself a name and listened intently after that. Interesting names always led to interesting people; she'd never heard of the name Zephyr before. Well, not out of fantasy novels. Her eyes widened when Zephyr announced her death. It seemed like it wasn't [i]just[/i] her that died and ended up on a new planet. From that fact, it would only be a logical jump that everyone else there died as well. In a far away corner of her mind, Wen wondered how they all died. It was a decidedly morbid thought and she ignored it. If she had to talk about how she died ([i]burned to death slowly, too much smoke in her lungs, her flesh melting-[/i]), she would be quick about it. When Zephyr suggested introducing themselves, everyone in the circle grew quiet. Well, Wen would have to bite the bullet (maybe one of [i]them[/i] bit a bullet) and it was better to just get it over with. "Je m'app-" she paused and switched to English, "I'm Wen and there was a fire in my apartment building." Wen spoke without pauses or any evidence of mental scarring in her voice. It was calm and polite, if a little distant but that could be summed up with the fact she was talking to strangers. The rest of the group still had to introduce themselves and Wen scooted over by Zephyr's side. The only person, as of yet, that didn't seem too worried about leaving. Wen wondered if they ever would find a way to visit Earth (and how it felt to be trampled to death by people like [i]dust[/i] and noth-).