Name: Sammy Age: 9 Gender: Male Abilities: Summoning. He can summon any given number of things at a time, unless it goes over his limit of creation. He can only have a certain amount of matter used to make his creations, which is a small amount because he has yet to hone it.(This amount will change eventually)He also can levitate small objects, but not animals. He can create or summon creatures through portals to make his creations, but can also use surrounding materials. He can also return those items to exactly what they were before, once he is done with them. Personality: Childish, he is very light-hearted and enjoys amusing others with his creations. He is easily distracted, and is a good friend otherwise. He does not like it when people say/do even slightly mean things to him, regardless of intent or not, but quickly forgets it if it was an accident and can't hold grudges against friends. Appearance: He is a pure white cat, but bigger He has strangely developed finger-like appendages and can hold things with his tail. He is 1'5 at the shoulder and is 3'1 from the tip of his nose to his tail.(Both standing)He has bright blue eyes that glow when he is using his powers. He has long, fluffy fur and is a bit chubby, but not enough to be considered obese. Bio: Sammy was never really born, he just appeared. Nothing else to it, he just was nowhere one moment and there the next. He discovered his powers after he saw a butcher shop and thought "Man, do I wish those sausages were over here."(He was a bit hungry)The sausage links started to slowly inch towards him and across the street, unnoticeable at first, but were definitely moving. The people screamed in panic, because sausages don't just move across a street on their own. There was pandemonium along the street, but everyone eventually forgot it. He then traveled, always moving whenever possible, and general confusion tended to follow. He then found himself at a large place that seemed....friendly, at least partly. He walks up on the doorstep.