Back. [quote=Chev] Name: 7D-6R [/quote] Accepted. [quote=AngelNoire] Updated CS for convenience.Name: Null [/quote] I'm not that big on the darksabers/lightsabers. We're still at the point where Jedi are still being hunted down as supposed traitors. The only ones who would have lightsabers (and actually knew how to use them in battle without chopping their hands off), would be Jedi in hiding. The Empire, once they noticed the darksabers/lightsabers would assume Jedi and attack or arrest. My suggestion for replacement weapons would be something such as [url=]vibroswords[/url]. While I'm not a huge fan of Tarkin getting involved, I can let it slide, partly as he won't actually be making an appearance in this. So just swap out the dark/lightsabers for something else and it'll be good. [quote=Cale Tucker] Sep, Heat, I would like to create a character, however there would need to be three things required before I create a Character Sheet. While minor, they are serious.1. Approval to be a 2. To be upgraded and modified with the additional intelligence of a Protocol Droid and it's own personality complex3. Built and owned by someoneMostly in standby would be expected if so, and not 100% complete, efficient, or effective at this time. Still needs a part or two, tweaks, fixed joints, but all in all can do basic things. And is almost as fast as a B1 battle droid. [/quote] The only issue I have is that the droid would be a literal relic, it'd be thousands of years old. It'd be a surprise to actually find one, especially in decent enough condition to actually get it working, then modify it. Also, a notice to everyone: Expect the IC at the earliest to be up tommorow, I will not close accepting characters unless we hit the magic number by then (8), but we are already well enough off that we can get it going.