[quote=AngelNoire] Well darksabers in particular were never used by new republic jedi so far as I know. The only ones in existence would be family heirlooms from the attacks by the Sith empire and Mandalorians. Also, Darksabers aesthetically look and act differently than any lightsaber. One would not look at one and immediately think jedi. More likely they'd go 'what the heck is that!' Understanding your point though I guess she might have lost her Darksabers somewhere along the line, and further understanding that she wouldn't want to look like a jedi, I can understand no lightsabers. Katana shaped vibro-blades it is. [/quote] Yes but even the dumbest trooper could figure it out as it acts like a saber. "Beam of light comes out of the hilt must be a saber."