[quote=MiaRainx] Esther's smile became even brighter as she watched Jacob petting one of the ducklings. She slowly moved her hand closer to the nearest duckling to her and to her delighted surprise, it also waddled over. In fact, as she went to try to pet it, it jumped straight onto her fingers. She gasped quietly as she cupped her hand gently to create a little hollow for the tiny bird to stand in, but instead, it sat and closed its eyes. She felt a bit like Snow White as she gently stroked the duckling's tiny feathers with the knuckles of two of her fingers.Esther then forgot that she actually had company with her, so she returned her gaze back to Jacob. "I'm Esther but no, I've already graduated from high school," she said with a small giggle. "It was cool that you came over and introduced yourself. I don't think I would have noticed these little cuties if you hadn't. It's a pleasure to meet you." Esther could hear the tiny tweeting of the other ducklings, possibly asking for their little friend back. Esther gently lowered her hand and allowed the little bird to slide off onto the grass. Once it had joined the others, the little birds began waddling off together and tweeting incessantly. It felt just like a magical moment and Esther was beaming, the corners of her mouth going from ear to ear. "I can't believe that just happened. That was awesome." [/quote] "Yeah they were pretty cool, tell you what, I get out of school after fifth period due to my job if you be back her around one thirty I would love to hang out some more. Class is going to start soon." He sighed standing up dusting off his black jeans. He then extended a hand to Esther to help her up. "I would just skip but I was out of town for a few days and I do need to catch up." He gave Esther a warm caring smile as he looked at her.