When the merman had placed his webbed hand parallel to hers on the glass, Gwen smiled at him brightly. She heard Tanikazi's comment and nodded. "Yes, you're right but it's fantastic. It's as though everything I had ever imagined in my wildest dreams is her, and I found it on my first field case," Gwen said with excitement. She knew that everything she had done up to that point was impulsive and unprofessional but to her, whatever punishment or consequence the universe had in store for her, she would be more than willing to take. This moment was something she could never had imagined in her wildest dreams, and she had a very wild imagination. Gwen then turned to the merman, who seemed to be quite confused, or was at least lost in thought. He seemed to be staring out into the hall but when Gwen turned to look, there didn't seem to be anything there at that moment. So she returned her gaze to the water creature and held a hand on her chest. "Gwen," she said slowly, pointing to herself. "I am Gwen. You?" she asked, now pointing to the merman. She wasn't sure if he would understand her but there was no harm in giving it a shot.