[quote=KindledBeast] Aiden was running in the direction of ivy's scent he wasn't too worried about her but knew she could run into trouble in the woods, Aiden jumped into a tree and clines to the top scouting out the area. Taking in a large breath he caught her sent agin and started to follow it, jumping from tree to tree her scent was getting stronger the closer he got, after a few moments it was overwhelming Aiden looked down to see ivy pouting under the tree he was in he jumped out landing a few feet Infront of her. "Ivy I found you." Aiden said smiling at the girl. [/quote] "I don't want to talk to you." Ivy told Aiden. She placed a wall of fire between her and the vampire. Vampires didnt like fire, right? She would make this one go away. She stormed off in the other direction, once again not paying attention to where she was going. She needed to think.