"I wish I knew what to say." Dorian said calmly as he glanced at the little creatures. "WHAT? GOT A PROBLEM?" Impmon said getting rather annoyed. "Relax little dude." Dorian replied. "Listen..." He turned his attention back to the boy. "We're gonna need to listen to them. Okay?" He said before glancing again. "I get the feeling we can trust them. And right now we don't really have much of a choice anyway." Impmon began to tap his foot as Dorian spoke those words. "Listen! I don't wanna break up your little huddle, but we need both of ya to trust us and listen to the story. Now Danny! You AND Dorian need to sit down, shut up, and listen!" He was getting agitated. [i]They know our names... Always a good sign...[/i] Dorian thought as he sighed and sat down.