@MST3K 4ever: Okay, most of it looks good except two things. First, Philadelphia does not exist in this world. Instead, it is Summer City. You can, however, change Philadelphia to Pittsburgh for a quick fix. Second, your equipment. Minus either the knife or the bat and you're in. I'll let you keep the grenade as it is more of a plot voucher than an actual weapon- put it in your inventory though. @Sven: I love your character so far. Everything checks out- accepted. Also, take as much creative license as want about the spread of the virus, just don't change how it works. :) EDIT: Also, our characters will hate each other, despite how similar they actual are. :P @Illuminami: I had said you can have the Sword OR the bow/knife combo. Maybe I hadn't worded it clear enough. Do you understand now? @Sven: I'm in GMT-5 (EST).