Minan took the ruby, looking over it. By now, his friend had returned with a stack of papers, and the two were talking again. It seemed that they were talking about the gem, as Minan gestured to it. The conversation went on for another good five minutes while the other flipped through documents and papers. Soon enough the communicator was shut off and he was left with a number he had written on a scrap of paper. "Your arguing over such petty things didn't make convincing them any easier." He seemed a bit agitated. While he took the money, Minan looked at Minchiko, confused. "Why would I sell it? That would take time out of my schedule, my time is money. I will send it to them and they will do what they please with it. This is easily 3000 dollars, even more; they are nearly impossible to get on my planet." It rained diamond dust on Neptune, but that didn't mean other gems were as easy to find. He grinned, "However, you can consider this 500 dollars a bribe for me, and my troubles." He stood up, taking his phone out and dialing the number he was given. It was a 5 second conversation in the same language he was speaking before. Soon enough a human looking-figure with a bag was in the ship, guided by Minan. "Dr. Gashow." He introduced the man when they walked in the room. Upon seeing the state the Zenohunt was in, the doctor shot an annoyed, but confused look at Minan. "Why the hell is she not in a clinic? I heard what you related to Chiranan, but Christ." The T'vao sighed, "It is a long story. In any case you are being paid." Gashow shook his head but went over to Luna, shooing Jasper off the bed. As he started to examine her he also listened to her, and though he couldn't speak her language fluently, went on the assumption that she was delusional. It's what it sounded like from what he could understand, at least. Finally he seemed to have enough information and sat down, opening his bag and taking out different serums. "I would say she was poisoned." He stated to himself more than anyone as he started putting needles in the antibodies. "She won't be to a proper condition for awhile, but in the meantime this will help." He laid out the serums in an order, giving her shots down her shots down her uninjured arm. "I'm supposing this wasn't properly taken care of, either?" He asked, gesturing to her covered wound.