Luna was beginning to feel the tiniest bit calmer as she hears what sounds like a lullaby. The presence in her mind seemed to... Lessen, however it was still there. Suddenly, she hears more voices, and she feels sudden, sharp pains coming from her not-injured arm. She begins to yelp loudly, feeling alarmed, and she kicks out in the direction she smelled the nearest presence. Her eyes open a little, and then they open up wide. The figures she saw in front of her were red silhouettes, completely featureless. Her hands dart to pull her light bow out, her ears beginning to ring a little, now not hearing anything. "Y-Yasta kabac. Y-Ysta kabac! Nonrobelieves! dabastars!" She hisses at them, her light bow now in her hands, pointed at one of the red figures, whom she didn't know was Minan. She then switches aim to the doctor, and then to Jasper. She begins to growl, cocking a lever on the weapon so that a bolt was firmly placed and ready to fire. In her eyes was no longer pain or sadness from before, however they were now filled with both anger and protectiveness, the latter as she also believed she was in her cabin, even though it looked nothing like her one. [i]Maybe they took my stuff.[/i] She thought. "Tege tou fo yam maroo!" She shouted. To reinforce that she was very pissed off, she fired a bolt into the corner of the room, before quickly re-aiming back at Jasper. Features were now starting to form on the silhouettes, however she barely registered who they were. A few seconds later, the silhouettes had formed enough for her to recognize them a bit more. The sudden realization caused her to drop the light bow, and topple sideways back onto the bed, tears in her eyes. Her lips parted, and she whispered in English. "C-Can I die?"