Jacob hummed a tune as he watched her go then turned and headed back into the school, he was glad to have met such a interesting girl, plus it gave him a excuse to actually leave early for once, kept Cheryl from tailing him. He sighed as his thoughts drifted back to the central problem, he knew that Cheryl would do anything for that scoop and if he went to the upcoming tournament well that was going to be live on Youtube, someone was bound to see it and tell her. He sighed as he pulled up his computer, first period was study hall so he decided to play a couple matches against some friends, he had bribed the IT guy into unblocking the network for Starcraft 2 so he could play at school. He booted up the game and started up a match and pulled in his head set. He groaned, looking up occasionally to watch for snooping reporters as one of his old friends and team member Gavin skyped him. He started the call and Gavin yelled even with the headphones in you could hear him clear across the room "Dude! Your going to Blizzcon, you gotta get me tickets I need to see you in the final, I mean seriously your gonna go up against Life! He won last year five to one! You beat him your gonna be the youngest grand champion of Starcraft!" Jacob grunted and turned the volume down a lot "Thank you for the reminder Gavin, now how about you and me play our game and worry about Blizzcon later, I still need to practice against Zerg and your the best Zerg player I know." He said as the match loaded in and the two began to play. Jacob spoke softly as he and Gavin talked Strats and meta passing the time.