[quote=KatherinWinter] Kyle shook his head. He sighed and ran his fingers through his hair. "I can't bed pens on you guy. When camp is over I have to deal with Ivy on my own. I appreciate that everyone cares. It amazed me that so many of you offered to help me with her." [/quote] "Alright, Alright, hey maybe I can help you too after camp is over. I am an Orphan as well" Branch couldnt believe he had just said that, he looked at the ground, then at the sky. "I cant believe what this Camp has turned me into, I used to be the kind of person who would do anything to survive, but now look at me..." Branch looked at his hand. He then changed his hand into a fist as he let out a small chuckle. He began to walk into the woods. "Oh and Kyle, I know you care for your sister, but how do I put this into words..Your Sister needs you right now, just leaving her like that isnt a good choice, at least thats what I think. Shouldnt brother and sister always be together, even though it was a small prank. Hey I consider you lucky that you have a sister, If I still had mine, I would stay by her side till I die. Later." Branch said as he began to run into the woods.