Of all the time for his spear to not be on it, this was a hell of a time. It was leaning against his bed, so close to where he was, but maybe it was best to not move. By the time he had even considered getting it she was pointing at the doctor, who was doubled over from the kick in the stomach he had received. When Minan had seen an opportunity to get his weapon she was seeming to calm down, flopping back down on his bed. He decided to leave it be, and unclenched his fists; not realizing he had closed them in the first place. It was yet another reminder to him that he needed to be more careful around the crew. Minan, looking at the bow still, nonchalantly answered her. "Not yet. We still need you, after all." He looked back, only half joking. Luna could provide nice company but he wouldn't readily pay $3000 just to keep that. "I apologize for not explaining this beforehand to you, Luna, but I was not sure if you could understand me." He spoke slowly, clearly; not wanting her weapon pointed at him again. "This is doctor Gashow, a friend of mine." To his mention, the doctor gave a nod, standing up straight once more, "Your arm still needs tending to. Luckily someone could manage first aid, but it still needs proper treatment." He explained.