[center][img]http://i57.tinypic.com/vy4393.jpg[/img] [img]http://i61.tinypic.com/s10ykl.png[/img][/center] ---- [b]Name:[/b] [i]Roe Emlinel[/i] [b]Age:[/b] [i]Appears early twenties, but was born many years ago.[/i] [b]Gender:[/b] [i]Female[/i] [b]Race:[/b] [i]Elf[/i] [b]Personality:[/b] [i]Care free. Enjoys riddles and poems. Helpful. Patient. Free Spirited. Playful.[/i] [b]Biography:[/b] [i]"Come now Roe, sing a song for our guests, you have always had a beautiful voice as light as the yellow bird your family is named after." a young mother called to her child. The family had invited several guests over for dinner to celebrate a good harvest, and the good season for fishing. The family and several other elves had found their home next to the Khakabad sea and used the resources of the land to survive as well as flourish. "Come Roe, sing!" her mother insisted, as the guests smiled and nodded their approval. "There is a place named shipwrecked cove placed behind a rock A boy and a girl would travel there for her to suck his -" "ROE!" the young girls mother exclaimed, her face a crimson red at the embarrassment her daughter had given her in front of their guests. Roe giggled, "I learned that one from the neighbor boy." Roe gleamed, her soft round lips upturned into a grin. "Bed." her mother retorted, as Roe's smile then dropped to a pout, "But Mothe-" the girl started, and was given a stiff finger pointing towards their home, "Now." her mother finalized the command, sending Roe into the house, beaten by system once again. As Roe aged, she always had a pleasure in riddles, songs, and the casual practical joke. Though many of her friends and family found no pleasure in this, the girl remained the same. "Honestly Roe, you need to mature just a little." her mother pleaded as they sat down to wash their clothes. Roe smiled and nodded, it was often easier to just agree to what her parents had to say rather than fight the cause. The two continued this sort of conversation; Mother lecturing a child, while child half doesn't pay attention and half just says "Mhm, yes." "Your father and I think it time you be married." her mother bluntly spoke, noticing her daughter's lack of participation. Roe responded once again, "Yep." before noticing the words that had been spoken, "Wait, what!?" the girl exclaimed, dropping the clothing she had held as her desert sand shaded eyes widening as she glared at her mother, "I'm not ready for that." she chuckled, picking up the article of clothing and dusting it off slightly. "I'm just not ready for that." she repeated once more, handing the item to her mother and walking away with out another word about it. In the elf culture you were often given once chance at love, marriage, sexual relation, and a family. Roe was a daughter, granddaughter, and so on of elves that had met young, married young, and had children as soon as possible. It was almost odd that the girl was rounding on the verge of when most of her family had started having children whilst she didn't even have a suitor in mind. Luck would have it that the King of Analand sent out statement of a new land to colonize in the months that these debates and conversations were happening at the Emlinel household. "A whole new land!" Roe exclaimed to her mother, pleading with her to partake in such an adventure, "What if I find the one there?" the girl used her quick wit to try to encourage her mother to say yes, "A man with such passion for me to travel all the way here for me is truly a man I want!" the girl smiled deviously, before adding, "Who knows, I might even find another man on the ship who loves the taste of the world as much as I do, then we don't even have to worry about the traveling as he'll be right here. Plus, we'll know his family." the girl continued on with her ideas and convincing plots, until her mother finally broke down. "Fine." she spoke softly but stern. "You mean it?" Roe asked, her round eyes glistening with hope. "Don't ask me again." her mother said, "Also, you better come home safe and sound or I'll kill you myself." With an embrace, the two parted- Roe with her small bundle on her back and a head full of false hopes. [/i]