[quote=Magic Magnum] Am I the only one not frantically juggling things in RL atm? :/Good luck, here's a song to cheer you up. :) [/quote] XD That's me on a regular basis right now. I don't have finals and such (cause I'm the baby in this OOC basically) but I have a lot of projects and test next week cause my teachers love doing fun stuff the last week of school before break. Let's see today I had two major grades due. One for band one for lit. On Tuesday I have a vocabulary test. Wednesday I have a big social studies project due. Then sometime next week I have a perodic table of elements quiz plus probably a math test and math homework every night. I seriously have no time at all cause I'm expected to remember this all. I'm just glad that once Christmas break rolls around I can spend most of the morning sleeping and then staying up until un-godly hours of the night.