[quote=Adjectives] Tbh I haven't much of a clue what's happening in Aperture.. [/quote] [quote=WatermelonTango] I'm not entirely certain of how to insert my character into this situation. Finding a way to introduce Pam while at the same time involving her in this aperture shenanigans would take some serious writing gymnastics. [/quote] [quote=ActRaiserTheReturned] I"m bringing cake!! [/quote] Sorry for the delay; thought someone else would answer. Anyway, as two of you are online, here's what I can gather: Basically, Aperture Science Corp is doing a lot of forbidden experiments, some on humans. Ruby, a Technopath and one of the Mercs, stole information from Aperture, before going on another mission, in which she and a 'former' Aperture employee, Cypress, who can control friction, were captured and taken to a secret base under a mining platform. Constantine Ramiel King, my character, infiltrated the facility in order to rescue them both, even though he's Government and they're not, but found himself overrelying on his powers to the point where he didn't have much of a plan beyond 'cause havoc so hopefully Ruby and Cypress can escape'. Thankfully, he used his powers smarter now, but he would still have been caught had not Alto, Mafoy's character, decided to try and bail him out.