"[b]I'm Cherry...[/b]" Cherry's voice had a slight girlish inflection, like a child everyone tried protect from the world. Cherry possessed a certain... innocence. She probably hadn't even intended to steal, Marinette lessened her grip as she considered this, the girl was trying to be safe... albeit, in a very untrained and blunt manner. She couldn't steal from the noobie, not in good conscience anyway. Okay, she [i]definitely COULD[/i] steal in bad conscience, but a quick look told Marinette that Cherry didn't have anything that good, the only person she knew who even used guns, Hazard, didn't even use the kind the girl had. Nah, she'd let the girl go, but it was her moral [i]responsibility[/i] as a citizen of Paradise to make sure she never tried anything this hamfisted again. A menacing whisper in her ear wouldn't be enough. Marinette searched her own mind for inspiration, who did she know that could inspire that kind of fear? Something that would be simple and easy to do, but memorable enough that the memory of this little episode would be associated with general... unpleasantness. A single name came to her mind, a character Ness was particularly spooked by when the old re-runs of [i]Sherlock[/i] came on. [i]Charles Augustus Magnussen[/i] It didn't take many licks to her face to inspire the fear of the Loa into Cherry, "[b]Aaahaa w-what are you doing, s-stop it![/b]" [i]Oh my Gods, is she actually crying?[/i] It took all of her being not to respond with laughter, that would have been even crueler than the girl had bargained for. Grey gave away his presence with his characteristic "two clicks" and suddenly, the two engaged in friendly banter, almost as if Cherry wasn't there, the girl practically being held hostage at this point. It wasn't until Mari offered her a piece of jerky that Cherry even spoke up, over the occasional sniffle. "[b]Can I really?[/b]" "Sure!" lightening her mood a little, that seemed to have calmed the girl down, "You ever had Paradise bear before...?" As the words left Marinette's mouth, the rustling of the grass gave way to another companion of her's, Raijin, followed by his wolf familiar Void. He had a dagger out, but his expression wasn't hostile toward the girl, Cherry, no, he seemed to recognize her, as well as showing some minor surprise. "Hey there Cherry, long time no see. It seems you have gotten yourself into an a little bit of a pickle." Huh, so they knew each other, he then turned to Marinette after directly addressing Cherry, more confused than anything, "Geez, What she try to do that you had to pull a knife on her?" Marinette let the girl free of her death grip as she answered this question, "You're little friend tried to mug me!" As the girl moved to pick up her rifle, Marinette moved to pick up her own discarded weapons, as well as the now useless cigar butt, [i]it pays not to litter![/i] She continued, half mocking Cherry "I wouldn't mind that so much, but she was [i]really[/i] bad at it! I was just giving her a few pointers!" She gestured to the jerky eating cyborg in closing, "Grey can vouch for me!"