Hey guys, here's my CS from the Interest Check. Now with added Weaknesses! :D Kinda excited to be joining this RP. ^^ [hider=Aster Javian] [center][img=http://i.imgur.com/4bQ7B2Rl.jpg] [i]"If I said I was an honest man, I'd be lying."[/i][/center] [b]Name:[/b] Aster Javian [b]Alias(s):[/b] Apollo, A.J. or Jay [b]Age:[/b] 26 [b]Height:[/b] 5'9 [b]Weight:[/b] 170lbs [b]Affiliations:[/b] Merc (Occasionally takes Corporate jobs) [b]Hair Color:[/b] Grey [b]Eye Color:[/b] Ice Blue [b]Ethnicity:[/b] American-Sicilian [b]Physical Appearance:[/b] The easiest way to describe Aster's appearance is simply; Trouble, or rather, a troubled history. His rugged facial features tells the story of his abrasive past. His heavy-set eyes and thickly-lined jaw give off an air of menace or underlying bitterness about his person. A.J's past struggles are also punctuated by an old scar that runs over his left eye. His Grey hair is swept back, giving off a slicked-back look. If left down, his hair reaches down to his jawline and stops just afterwards. He tends to keep it at this length out of preference more than anything. Aster likes to maintain his chiseled physique and takes great care in his own bodily health. He does, however, have a few distinct scars on his body which can easily be made out to be knife wounds or injuries caused by other sharp objects. Despite this, he doesn't mind people seeing them rather than hiding them away. His shoulder-blades are covered with an intricate Edo-Japanese tattoo which extends down each arm, eventually stopping at the insides of his forearms. [b]Attire:[/b] Tends to stick to darker colours, predominantly black, dark greys and blues. Likes to wear standard, form-fitting [url=http://imgs.inkfrog.com/pix/Ricefashion/IMG_9941_001.JPG]tops[/url] but nothing too extravagant. He can often compliment these single-coloured t shirts with his favourite [url=http://caineleather.caineltd.netdna-cdn.com/images/P/wd_bristol_black_bomber_leather_jacket.jpg]black leather jacket[/url]. His bottom half is usually covered with [url=http://www.gap.com/products/res/mainimg/1969-slim-fit-jeans-resin-rinse-wash.jpg]dark, slim-fit jeans[/url] or [url=http://www.loveclothing.com/images/mensbricklaneblk_xl.jpg]chinos[/url]. His choice of footwear can be anything from Converse to High-tops and anything in between. His shoes are easily the most diverse thing about his clothing. [b]Powers:[/b] Hard-Light Manipulation [u]Hard-Light Conversion[/u] Aster can convert most forms of matter into high-energy visible light (HEV light), which he can then change into Hard-Light. This process can range from seconds to minutes or even hours depending on the size and scale of the object. He cannot convert Living Matter such as Humans, Animals or Plants but he can convert Matter that is no longer considered alive I.E. Wooden Objects, Corpses etc. After converting objects to Hard-Light, he can then re-shape and move them to his will to create various weapons, walls and other defensive or offensive objects. [u]Hard-Light Teleportation[/u] Despite not being able to convert other sources of Living Matter permanently, Aster can convert himself and others into Hard-Light momentarily. He utilizes this ability to teleport himself rapidly across short distances. The process of converting his own matter into HEV Light allows him to move at incredible speeds once completed, before re-materializing himself as Living Hard-Light. Once teleported, Aster can quickly revert himself back to his normal state of Living Matter or teleport again if needed. The maximum distance of teleportation is 30 meters. (Approx. The distance between 1st & 2nd base in Baseball) He can only teleport others if he is touching them. [u]Hard-Light Lances[/u] Aster can generate lances made purely of Super Density Hard-Light. This means that whilst the Lances are extremely difficult to destroy, they don't posses much mass because of their base properties of light. As such, Aster can utilize these Lances as weapons in the same fashion as a Bo-Staff or he can choose to launch them towards his opponents at super speeds like a javelin. They can inflict heavy piercing damage as well as blunt trauma. Aster possesses a very high proficiency when using these Lances. Aster can also choose to charge these lances so that they explode on impact. He may only utilize three lances this way per day, however. [b]Weaknesses:[/b] The Hard-Light objects Aster creates possess noticeably less durability than their standard matter counterparts. For instance, a Hard-Light car could be thrown toward an opponent easily, but upon colliding with other standard matter objects it is more likely to shatter and disperse. Being hit with the Hard-Light car would certainly still hurt but it wouldn't cause any severe damage. His teleportation technique causes exhaustion fairly quickly due to the rapid conversion process. As such, he can only perform this ability up to 5 times in a row before needing to revert back to his standard matter form. Aster's body is entirely susceptible to harm, as shown by the various scars he possesses. [b]Skills:[/b] Aster has spent most of his life studying multiple forms of fighting including Taekwondo and Muay Thai. His Muay Thai is probably his strongest and most refined Martial Art, due to it's purely destructive style with the use of elbows, fists and legs. His Taekwondo is used mainly for muscle memory and disciplining his body so that he doesn't waste energy with his movements. To achieve this, he practices his Patterns daily. [b]Equipment:[/b] Aster rides a [url=http://www.bhmpics.com/walls/2008_ducati_sport_classic_1000-wide.jpg]Ducati Sport 1000[/url] as well as owning a [url=http://www.makhol.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/07/iron-883-bs-large.jpg]Harley Davidson Iron 883[/url] and a [url=http://image.superchevy.com/f/29239449/camp-0909-01+1968-chevy-camaro+wheels.jpg]1968 Chevrolet Camaro SS[/url]. He rides his Ducati most of the time and uses his Harley on occasion. The Camaro he keeps garaged unless the weather takes a bad turn. [b]Ranking:[/b] A Rank. [b]Brief History:[/b] Aster was born and raised in Brooklyn, New York. Not much is known about his childhood or teenage years but he is known to have had close links to the Gambino Crime Family whilst growing up. It is heavily implied that his father is a Made Man within the crime family and one of the main reasons for Aster's departure of New York. His registration file states that Aster Javian is an alias chosen to prevent the Gambino Family from tracking him down. Despite there being known Gambino activity within L.A., Aster has yet to be discovered for who he really is. He has, however, managed to portray himself as an Associate for the family to aid in their activities within L.A. This is so that he can keep tabs on his father and the ongoing search to bring him back to New York. His participation is such that he hasn't yet garnered the interest of any Full Members of the family, he is simply recognised as a friend of a friend.[/hider]