[quote=Savo] -Eien : Heavenly Host Elementary = Infirmary-Eiens eyebrow shot straight up in interest at the mischievous girls grin. From what he could figure out, she was pretty playful, and felt she might just spoil the secret. However, she unleashed what she knew about the girl and her little secret, causing Eiens eyes to widen with a semblence of astonishment. She already knew Eiens secret when he gave the supposed big reveal, which almost caused him to beg her not to tell. However, she said something unexpected which not only brightened his face, but his mood up. She teased him with the outlook of her having a crush on a certain childhood friend, which he could easily guess to be him. He did his best to hide his indiscriminately red face, but alas the attempt was rather futile. As he heard her giggle and give her last regards, he could only give off a resonating gleeful smile to the girl as she finished her statement and transformed into a blue orb, which took a seat near the duo. As the red flushed face began returning to its previous hue, he uttered something before exiting the infirmary."Thank you Seiko... Despite the time we spent was sort of shot-lived for the time being, I'm glad I got to create a memory with you."As he made his way out of the infirmary, he took a look upwards, almost cursing to himself as he looked at the dreadful landscape. The floor boards had disappeared from the looks of it, leaving no way to make it tonthis bathrooms. He noticed that Mayus remains had dissipated into thin air along with the boards, leaving only dried blood on the walls. He stared down into the abyss be for withdrawing himself from the area, formulating another hypothesis as this could only happen if someone extraordinary had destroyed the floor boards with speed and no sound. Problem was that you would have to move pretty slow to unbind the floor from its place, and within the time limit, you would of had to make a sound to quickly remove the floor from underneath the school. Add to the point that it had the appearance of a bottomless pit made it more plausible to him that this school was some sort of strange supernatural being. This place obviously wanted its victims dead from the looks of it, and felt that he not only had to keep a look out for malign spirits but this dangerous school itself.He took a brief look around and noticed no signs of inconsistencies other than the broken floor boards to the north. Looks like he needed to take an alternative route which was shown to be the stairs. He had no choice to traverse down that path which most likely lead to the second floor if his presumptions were right. He made sure to keep a look out because he felt anything within his range of sight to evade the worst scenario this place could offer. As he traversed near the stairs, he checked for inconsistencies before walking downwards to the first floor.He was bothered by one current event taking place - the banging coming from the lower region. Before he would completely make his way down, he would check for any spirit or others human being in his sight. He would need to keep a sharp eye, otherwise he could meet his untimely end at the hands of some horrid fate."(Looks like the tasks at hand have changed. I not only need to find my classmates IDs, but that one mysterious girls ID. Also, I need to try and locate Mayu and Morshiges spirits and lead them to the infirmary. I also need to locate my friends and look for clues to leaving this dreary place. I'll keep my vow to you all, I promise.)" [/quote] It was probably a good idea that he didn't just run straight down the stairs, either, as he witnessed something...far from everyday life... He could make out two figures down the hall - one appeared to be much older than the other - who were fighting rather...violently. From what he could see, one was a teenage boy, roughly 18 or 19 years old from physical appearance. His uniform was torn and ripped across multiple places, haphazardly patched up with other random pieces of clothing that didn't match his at all. His face and body was covered in blood, in some areas dried and in other areas not so much, and his frame seemed quite bony, as though he hadn't eaten in days. There was no doubt about the dark bags beneath his crystal blue eyes, indicating his obvious fatigue. The second was definitely female and she didn't look a whole lot better, though certainly not as sketchy. Her entire body seemed to hold onto a dark aura, and her green eyes shone with razor intent. Her hair was in complete disarray, much like her uniform, which had a large bloody patch around the stomach area. Unlike the boy, she didn't appear fatigued nor malnourished, indicating that she'd possibly arrived more recently, however she was certainly the one lashing out. In her left hand, a small knife coated in blood slashed and swiped at the boy in an endless stream of pure hatred. "I'm sick of this shit!" As the girl went in for a swing, the boy grabbed hold of her arm and redirected her blow, sending the knife straight into the girl's stomach, which began bleeding even more profusely than it had already done. However, he wasn't done there. Immediately, he ripped the scissors from the girls grasp and her stomach, causing her to scream out in pain. He then sent the knife straight passed the girl's throat, slitting it open with a brutal efficiency. The girl gasped and gagged however the boy stabbed her multiple times in numerous, highly-lethal areas, resulting in a swift though relatively painful death for the girl... And a bloody one too. Her red water oozed out onto the floorboards from where she'd died, and the boy was now covered in even more of the stuff. He stood over her silently for a few moments, before kneeling down beside the girl, shuffling around with...something.