"No need, I can see it now and I'm sorry I missed it. Oh, when you guys are down chowing down, head back to the Cave. Cat's icthing to level, so I figured we should get movin' soon,ya know. I'll catch ya guys on the filp side after I have a little chat with Cherry over here." Raijin turned back towards the Philorite Pilot, an uncharacteristicly stern expression on his face. "So, you tried to mug Mari, huh Lil' Firecracker. Next time you try to get the drop on someone, makes sure you play to your strengths of which close range is not. If she had been a PKer, you would 'ave just been PK'd. You should have just avoided her." He kept quiet for a little to let that sink in, before bring his fingers to his mouth with mischief on his face, and blowing out a short whistle. Cherry suddenly found herself knocked over and being licked to Death by Void. Raijin was standing right above her, a genuine smile on his face. "But I can't say I'm that upset since I got to see you again So, why don't ya come with me to the Cave so you can meet everyone else, and tell me what'cha been up since we last got together?" Raijin gave another whistle, letting Void no it was time to get off. Shetrotted over to the Cave entrance, then sat down to wait for them.