There was a knock on the door and Mirabelle stood to her feet. "Yes?" She called to the door. "Your breakfast, mi'lady!" a servant replied. Mirabelle put her lute aside and stepped towards the door to open it. There, the servant girl stood with the silver tray of breakfast and tea for the morning. Mirabelle took the tray graciously, bowing her head to the servant who went on her way. Mirabelle then sat on her bed with the tray on the side. All she requested for breakfast was an apple, porridge and tea on the side. She worked away at the porridge, taking her time as she was free to do so, leaving her tea to cool until second, before finishing with the apple. Once she was done with the porridge and tea, she set the tray down nearby neatly for a servant to pick up. She then took the apple and headed off on her way after taking her lute with her under arm. _______________________________ When he had finished his breakfast, it was still early for Phillip's court members to awaken and even earlier still for him to address court. However, he felt that there was not much else for him to deal with before he addressed court and citizens in need. There never was, and Phillip was never one to believe in free time. Not once in two years time has free time ever meant anything. He took his mind off it once he closed his book, and then departed for the great hall. The good side to opening to audience early was being able to address many more issues than he would normally do. There, he sat upon his throne and called for audiences to be opened for any who wished to visit and bring their problems before him.