Taking a moment to chew on her lower lip, Marabelle silently debated what she should do. One glance at her daughter gave her all the answers she needed. The life on land didn't suit them and as much as she tried to pretend, she couldn't keep up the Parliament rouse any longer. "Are you sure you want her on board?" Motioning towards her husband's female clone, she allowed herself to giggle. "You'd be missing half your crew before you knew it. Especially now that we know what she's capable of." ------- Swallowing the lump in his throat, Elijah was nearly gleeful when Jack finally spoke. Talking was good. He could work his way out of just about anything with words. Forcing his muscles into motion, he gently set the mug down as he spoke, "I may be a thief, but I don't steal something that belongs to family." Meeting Jack's gaze, he feigned bravado, not wanting to be pushed around by the one person who yanked him forcefully out of his shell when he was younger. The dangerous glint in the other man's eyes opened a pit in his gut. There would be no reasoning with him at this point. "Jack, please." Lowering his voice, he slowly stretched his fingers upwards, giving Jack his palms. He didn't want to fight, especially not here in Amy's house.