[quote=KindledBeast] "And I can drain you of all your blood, we have to be responsible with our powers ivy. Just because we can do something doesn't mean we should. What if I didn't react fast enough and my clothes did catch on fire I'd be dead. Ivy and you would have to deal with the thought that you did it. I'm not saying you shouldn't be allowed to play with your fire I'm saying be responsible and play with it near water so if a accident does happen we can take care of it." Aiden said rolling up his seelves if ivy tried to use fire agin he would be ready. [/quote] "You can not get close enough to drain me. You sound like Kyle. Always telling me to take responsiblity. Well I don't want to. I haven't hurt anyone with my fire since I was a baby. You know nothing about me Dante. Now go bother your girlfriend." Ivy snapped at him.