Shinon went into the arena carefully watching the Troll as it was pulled up. The thing was massive and looked to be heavily armored on the outside; however the underside of its body appeared to be fleshy. As the Troll was released Shinon quickly nocked two arrows and let them fly piercing the troll through both of its eyes and killing it; at least that’s what she had hoped would happen. The Troll instead brought its arms up deflecting the arrows of off its scaly armor while charging at her. While the Troll had its face covered it was far too big to protect its entire fleshy stomach area. As Shinon let fly another arrow at the Troll’s stomach to her surprise once again it displayed an uncanny amount of cunning and jumped towards her with its back to her aiming to crush her. Surprised by its effective use of its armor she barely managed slide under it before it crashed into the ground where she used to be. However she had nocked an arrow while as she slid on the ground and as she got back up she let it fly, hitting the Troll for the first time, ripping out part of its torso and causing it to begin bleeding, however to her surprise as she watched it the wound closed barely leaving a mark. Shinon frowned as the troll began lumbering towards her again, obviously it had experience with its weak points being targeted and had powerful regeneration, perhaps this would be more difficult then she thought. Shinon turned around and waved to the people outside with the intent of aggravating the troll while carefully paying attention behind her; as she expected for all its cunning it still wasn’t very intelligent and seemed to be enraged by the action. She launched herself backwards as it attempted to smash her with both of its meaty hands and slashed at the back of its legs with her blades; hamstringing it. She stood up behind it satisfied, however it showed no trouble regenerating from this wound as well as it simply stood up and started to come towards her again. It appeared she would have to give it a fatal wound in order to kill it, as whittling it down seemed to do nothing. That meant she would most likely have to hit either its heart or its head, both of which were difficult prospects, however given her surroundings… Shinon quickly jumped away as the troll attempted to smash her again. She yelled, “Your mother was a penguin!” at it and given the glint in its eyes even if it hadn’t understood the words it understood the message, it roared and charged at her, exactly as she wanted. She shouldered her bow and ran towards the edge of the arena, Shinon quickly scaled the cage as the Troll come closer and as it attempted to smash her off the wall. When the Troll’s fists came close enough that Shinon could reach out and touch them she lifted herself up with her arms, muscles burning, and kicked off backwards flipping over the incoming strike. Shinon pulled out her blade bow in midair; shot an arrow at the Trolls foot apparently hitting something painful given the Troll bending over holding his toe. Falling through the air Shinon landed on his left shoulder and hooked one blade around its throat and pulled with all her might. Her blade ripped through its throat to the neck bone where it slid around and slipped out causing Shinon to fall off the troll as it’s moved its hands from its face to its no longer functioning throat. Shinon rolled away as the Troll fell backwards nearly crushing her. Shinon jumped onto the Trolls chest and shot a point-blank arrow into its heart and then stabbed it, ensuring the creature’s demise. In its death throes however its flailing arms managed to slam into Shinon’s side knocking her into the nearby wall. She sat there for a moment gasping for breath and filled with adrenaline. After she finished recovering she stood up and briefly checked over her torso to, luckily, find no apparent permanent damage. Shinon looked out at the watching group somewhat shakily, “I dare say I pass this test, where to next captain?” she asked pleased with her performance, except for of course letting the cursed beast hit her at the end.