Mantam saw people slowly starting to leave The Cave. First went Raijin, then Cat, then Hazard, and by the Mantam's interest was surely piqued. She turned to break off her conversation with Cynthia, "It looks like somethings afoot. I'm going to go investigate." Mantam said with a wink, before jumping up from the crafting table, leaving her work for another day. She found those that departed, along with Grey and Marinette, who had left earlier. They were all crowded around something, and as she approached, she found what appeared to be a girl. You can never be too sure in MMOs. The girl seemed young, and innocent, and perhaps a bit flustered by the group that was forming around her, or whatever caused them to take interest. Mantam quickly spoke up, "Who's this? A friend of ours?" She said, smiling at the girl. As Mantam scanned the girl, something clicked in her head. Goggles, gun, wrench, tacky looking military attire... she was a Pilot. Mantam quickly took control of the situation, grabbing the girls hand and gently but forcibly leading her out of the crowd. "Group conference!" Mantam declared happily, giving no one a chance for retort. She rejoined the circle, and whispered to the group, "I don't know who she is, but she looks like she's a friend of yours, Raijin, if I'm reading the situation right. I don't know if you guys have been keeping track, but the only class our group needs is a Pilot, and she's pretty clearly a pilot... we should invite her in, if she can be trusted."