30. As their host left the six sages in the main hall Ostel glanced over to Jade Fist with perplexed look, wondering for a moment if he might survive the night with the most notorious elf on Lucerna. He then shoke his head and smiled as he remembered the oath him, Summer and the outlaw took. The Sage of Light looked down to his canine companion and saw Snow staring at the departing warlock. Truthfully the human did not know what to make of all of this, the caste, the fact he was a sage, and to top it off he was now supposedly the only hope for his race. Thankfully a rumble in his stomach reminded him of other important things. As if hearing his tummy, Snow began wagging his tail in agreement. Ostel then walked toward his bunkmate, and the armored Earth Sage turned to meet his advance. With a friendly nod Ostel said, "Not sure about you Jade Fist, but I'm hungry as a bear in fall. Want to see if we can find some food?" He said pointing his thumb behind him. "You can eat if you want." Jade Fist replied, "I just want to look around the place. Get a feel for it." He walked past Ostel, towards the first hallway he saw, unsure of what he'd find. He turned his head and said, "Let's go." And the two proceeded further into the university side by side, with Ostel's canine companion following suit. As the trio began exploring down one of the many corridors, the bastard and the outlaw strode side by side in silence for a while. Each of them however was looking with awe at the architecture of the university's many tapestries and pictures of a forgotten time. Sometimes the mosaics and pictures seemed otherworldly as well. So entranced was Ostel that he could not help but whistle and say aloud in wonder, "Impressive. And here I thought that the City of Light had the best art and culture. I know many a person who would give their fortune to be here to see this." The Grimward said as he ran his hand across a richly decorated banner of twin red lions on a gold background. "I'd say any noble could buy their way in here..." Jade Fist said, scanning the area around the trio. "But I'd be wrong. This place seems... sacred. Not really my kind of living arrangement." Ostel then turned to the Earth Sage and asked without thinking, "Really? Where would you prefer then?" "Somewhere I'd be sure were away from prying eyes." Jade Fist replied. At that the Sage of Light sighed, "I can understand that, I think." He then crossed his arms and said bluntly, "But if you always think you're being watched, how will you ever find some measure of peace?" "Peace?" The elf said to Ostel, "I won't know any real peace for some time, Ostel. Not until my kind is liberated... or even to a point after that. But I'm content with my current lifestyle, however overzealous it may seem to you." In response the human put his hands up, "I take it back then. I do not understand, then again I guess I hope I never do. I cannot imagine the injustice you have seen, and no amount of apologies from me is going to make up for all that has happened." He said with his tone dropping a bit as a familiar feeling of remorse resurfaced. "You don't have to apologize for anything." Jade Fist replied, "I can tell you're a good person. You haven't done anything to wrong me, or any elf, as far as I know. It's not humans in general who need to apologize for their actions. It's each and every individual who carried them out." With a nod the bastard said simply, "I could not agree more. Let's just keep in mind that first we have to figure out what we can learn from this place, and then we can change the fates of both our peoples." he said continuing down the elaborately decorated hallways with Snow accompanying him, his tail waggling all the while. Jade Fist paused for a moment. [i]Better question is... what does this place already know about us?[/i] He shook the idea out of his head, catching up with Ostel. As the armored figure caught up Ostel gave him a smile, "So, Jade Fist. If I may ask, is your family back on Tellus? What are they like?" There was a brief moment of silence before the elf replied, "They're... not on Tellus." The Sage of Light's smile faded briefly, and after a deep breath he grinned again, "Well, I'm sure they would be proud of you." "They're not dead either." Ostel could not help but chuckle, "Well then you'll find them. Of that I am sure as well. Besides, for better or worse, I think since meeting Summer and you has made my mind up on something." he said with his eyes rolling upward in though, a mischevous look in his sky blue eyes. "Yes?" With a shrug the bastard answered, "I am lending some serious thought to joining you in freeing the elves across Lucerna. Hell I'm a bastard anyways and they expect that of us. And it just feels ... I guess right." He said nodding his head as they continued to walk down the hall. "If you'd join me, then I would appreciate your assistance greatly." Jade Fist replied, and without thinking about his next words too much, said, "But... it's not just Lucerna that must be freed..." With a raised eyebrow Ostel pressed his companion further, "I was not aware that there were other places that kept elvish captives. Was there another war that did not involve Lucerna?" Jade Fist paused, lowering his head. He didn't know if this was the right topic to bring up with a human, but... he just felt the compulsive need to inquire with him about... that horrible place. He looked back up at the Sage of Light and said, "Ostel, you're associated with one of the most well known families in Lucerna. So I'd have reason to believe you might know about..." He paused again, thinking of what to say. "Have..." He said in a hushed tone, "Have you ever heard of a company known as South Solitude Jewelers?" Ostel brought his sword hand to his chin and rubbed the small patch of chin hair he had in thought, "I have heard of a few of my mentors in the City of Light mention them in passing, but I must admit I know very little about them. Are they some sort of buisness I assume?" "They haven't been active for several decades." Jade Fist replied, a bit more focused in tone now, "Do you remember any of what they said about it?" Ostel stopped for a moment and thought carefully, trying to recall the last time he heard the name. A brief image of the Temple of Light came to mind where Master Elwrick spoke to one of his many associates. He closed hi eyes in concentration as he tried to remember what was said, but in the end he gave up after a few moments and sighed, "I recall my old Master speaking to one of his many colleagues about them, something about dealings gone south if I recall." But then the human shrugged his shoulders, "But I may be mistaken, it's a wonder I remember that. That was about ten years ago, a long time for a human anyways." Jade Fist paused once again, unable to help but think. He then said in a low voice, "I know slavery in Lucerna is terrible, but..." He shook his head and continued, "But that place... it's an atrocity unto itself." He sighed and simply turned his head away again, saying, "I can't stop thinking about it since Zemlja brought it up. It's... disturbing me greatly." Sensing his comrade’s uneasiness Ostel then stopped in his tracks and looked with concern at the armored figure, in fact this was a bit serial. He never expected he would meet Jade Fist, let alone have a conversation with the outlaw. [i]Strange times call for strange allies I guess [/i]. Unsure of what to say the bastard said, "Take your time Jade, it's alright. You can tell me now or whenever you think you can." he said resting his back against the wall opposite of the armored figure, waiting patiently with Snow sitting down beside his left leg. Jade Fist shook his head again. "It's..." He said, "It's best not to dwell on it right now. I should keep a clear head for whatever the Headmaster has planned for us. I'm going to head back to our room, just... think. I'll be there for the remainder of the afternoon. You go on ahead and find something to eat." With a simple nod Ostel straightened himself up and took a step forward towards the Sapiens Terrae, but not too close to invade his personal space, "If you ever need to talk my friend, you know where to find me. Take it easy, and rest well." He said gently balling his fist and planting it on the armored figure's shoulder, nudging the figure with with a big grin. "Resting won't be the solution." Jade Fist said, turning away from Ostel and backtracking down the hallway. "Action will." He called out as he left the Sage of Light to his own devices. As his new-found comrade walked away, Ostel breathed deeply and shoke his head in disbelief. As he put his hands on his broad hips he recognized that Snow was giving him a confused look, to which Ostel shrugged back, "I don't know Snow, but he knows we are here for him if he needs us." Snow then got up on all four and whined at his human companion. "Heh, alright pal, lets go find the food. I'm hungry too." he said aloud as the pair made their way back towards the main hall.