[quote=tathgon] A navy blue sedan pulls up outside the Lyle Group Home. "Do I really have to be here? It seems..." Ian protested, stopping when the driver raised his hand to quiet him. "Your parents both agreed that this would be the best place for you, young sir. You nor I have the ability to argue with their wishes." The driver parked the car and got out to open the door for Ian. Hector opened Ian's door and Ian got out, the sun showing him in a basic purple t-shirt and blue jeans with black sneakers. "Are you sure that was the way you wished to present yourself?" Hector asked, closing the car door while handing Ian his bag of essentials. "And reveal my heritage right off the bat? Not a chance, I'd like something resembling a normal life here." Ian retorted, still mentally preparing for living here without the luxuries he had. Ian's thoughts rambled on as he waited outside for the nurse he was told would let him in. [/quote] Nurse Garza comes out fixing her hair "Welcome to the Lyle Group Home, Ian. Let me show you your room." She smiles kindly and she opens the door for them. Another one yay....., she thinks to herself.