Cynthia was starting to get annoyed now. She could handle Prince leaving, he always did that, and Mari was just odd sometimes, plus Grey was a bit of a loner, but ALL of them at once had left. This was supposed to be the day they all gathered and got off this rock, but instead half the group, including one of the two people they were here for, was missing. She got up and decided it was drill sergeant time. She equipped her armor and all three of her swords as she walked out of the Cave, and hadn't walked far when she found what most of the group was up to. "At attention!" She barked, imposing now in her full getup. She strode purposefully toward the group, taking in details as she went. "I want to know what in nine worlds is going on, starting with you." She pointed at the new girl suddenly. "I want your name, your level, your class, and your version of the story."