Eying his best friend critically, Parker didn't respond or move when prompted for the keys. He couldn't remember if Søren had ever driven his beloved van, but Parker knew his best friend was competent enough to be a good driver and he wanted to trust him; besides, no matter how bad of a driver he was, there was still a very good chance he would be a safer bet than Parker in his current state, and that was enough. After about twenty seconds, Parker relented and dug the keys from his pocket and placed them in Søren's extended and open hand, but didn't let go right away. "Alright, fine. But you know how much she means to me, so understand that if you wreck her, I wreck you; dead or alive." He laughed through the threat and let go, leaning back in seat again next to Lucy. He closed his eyes and took another deep breath, settling in his buzz before opening them again and looking over to Lucy. His instincts told him to smile but he was too slow in listening to his brain at the moment, so he moved his gaze away before she looked back, quickly closing his eyes again and attempting to relax, and cursing himself for his idiocy. ----------- "How many?" the tall, thin man behind the counter asked the group when they came in, his words heavily laced with his foreign identity. The restaurant was a small place tucked behind a strip mall, and called 'The Great Wall'. Parker had eaten here many times, often with Søren, and he was excited to dive back into the heaven that was their black pepper chicken. "[b]Four[/b]," Parker responded, and they were lead to a small booth in the far back of the eatery. Parker instantly claimed a seat against the wall, knowing he'd probably need to rest his head against it soon. When asked about their drink preference, Parker eagerly requested the root beer he'd been craving all day and waited for everyone else to finish ordering before turning toward the food, now willing to eat. Before moving toward the buffet, he turned to his best friend and patted him on the shoulder. "Good job not killing us. I appreciate it, since I'm hungry and all." Parker figured he'd be ready to drive by the end of the meal, and be able to take Matt back to the [i]Matt Mobile[/i].