[quote=Akihisa Yoshii] Desmond suddenly smirked. "...Heh... The shadows tell me that I've missed some new arrivals... So many new people in such a short time..." He looked around. "I feel like I belong here, and yet I don't want to be anywhere near the other nurses... Oh I only wish it could happen... If only we could hope for the best of both worlds..." He sighs. "But life doesn't work that way, does it Nurse Ann?" He then looks at the oven. "I think those are done... a little past it if I am to judge, but I'm no cook..." [/quote] Nurse Ann opened the oven pulling out the cookies and muffins with a cloth, "They're fine not bad tho" she was gripping on the counter tight making her knuckles turn white. She turns to the fridge opening it taking out milk, chocolate and cups. But she didn't want the kids to starve so she yelled till her voice echoed "Cookies are done!". She was tensed while she was making hot chocolate for everyone. [quote=22xander] "d-do you still need me to help with... this?" Vull says, falling onto his tail. [/quote] Tori was about to answer till she heard of the cookies being done, she helped Vul up jumping up and down happily "The cookies are done! Let's go!" She said while hurrying downstairs pulling the two boys with her.