Silus watched as the young hunter boldly took on the Troll. She was smart and quick as she danced around the arena taunting and playing the beast, but she got cocky when she though victory was hers. That was painfully obvious as she got swatted as the beast died. She came out of the arena still pleased. "Well, you won this time, but your lucky you weren't hurt badly. Taking such a risk really wasn't necessary. A monster like a troll should be taken down as a team, showing off and taking a beast like that on your own will get you killed one day." Silus said hoping that not only Shinon but his entire team would learn the lesson that he was trying to convey. "As for whats next, follow that path into the forest some of the hunters will start the next portion of your test." He instructed lowering his bow and motioning for the other hunters to do the same. "Alright with that done, who is going to be next?" Silus asked looking back at his hunters.