[b]Operation: To Blunt A Spear - South of Goldendale[/b] --- [centre][i]13:00[/i][/centre] The afternoon sun lightly kissed Aesir's face, shading her ghostly white skin a sickly orange. She leaned out of the farmhouse window and aimed the heavy service rifle into the distance. It was all these NCR bastards carried, long distance shooting was particularly difficult with them, especially with her eyesight. She aimed down the sight of the gun and held her breath, Vanir sat at the window next to her, using her binoculars to spot, her hand fell down and Aesir shot into the daylight. The bark of the bullet was different than the residual sounds of fire fights in the distance, it broke the monotony. The lone tan figure fell to their knees, grasping at their neck. Notte ran out of the two story farmhouse the girls were stationed in to confirm the kill, it'd be the 1st of the hour, 17th of the day. That wasn't great, but then, they weren't working under great conditions. The NCR had some how managed to get the drop on them. Why hadn't they had anyone surveying the border? Where was the Intel? Where was she? Aesir reloaded the service rifle and got ready for another shot. "Anything yet?" "No...." Nari, one of the two twins who decided to follow her from Ghost Farm into the wastes, responded, "Nothing yet." she fiddled with the dial of the HAM radio, her slender white fingers looked as pale as soft bone, Aesir found herself enchanted by the soft '[i]click[/i]' of the turning dial and the static as it faded in and out. A snap from Vanir brought her back to reality-- back to the second story of an ill protected farmhouse in the middle of an unexpected assault. "We got one, looks like 500 feet, 11 'o' clock." Aesir's tired eyes grew focused as she looked down the sights of the rifle, she slapped herself a little to help wake up, "He alone?" "Of course he's fucking alone-- I wouldn't want to waste your precious time," Vanir snapped back "You alright, Vani?" The slag peered angrily through her binoculars for a moment before conceding to a yawn, "Yeah, I'm... Just... tired--but don't let him get away!" She quickly recovered, "Quick!" Aesir led the trooper with the rifle for a bit before taking another shot, he fell in a similar way to the last. 2nd of the hour, 18th of the day. "Great..." Vanir rolled her eyes, "One less piece of shit out of a sea of fucking bullshit-- oh no, excuse me, [i]bear[/i]shit." She stifled a yawn, "When are those assholes gonna get here with support?" Aesir borrowed Vanir's binoculars to watch Notte dutifully dragging back the two NCR bodies, "Knowing Hathaway," she said, giving back the binoculars, "He'll probably send us [i]a[/i] car, and bitch about having to give the muties that much..." Narfi and Nari let out dry chuckles at the attempt at humor, Vanir gave an exasperated groan and buried her head into her hands. Half asleep herself, Aesir snapped at Vanir, "Wake up, we gotta cover Notte." --- [centre][i]16:15[/i][/centre] Exhaustion had overcome Vanir and Narfi, neither of the two had gotten any sleep since [i]Swooping Crane[/i]. Before they fell under, however, they had taken out enough NCR that each of the girls could disguise themselves in full unbloodied NCR garb. Aesir sat by the radio, the Nari and Notte took occasional potshots at lone troops passing by. They had to change their building to one further south. Aesir was idly flipping through the possible frequencies for the radio when she heard the message; [i]"*static*--is Major Thorne of *static* Mechanized *static* We will be available *static* to *static* with 8th *static* at approximately 1800 on *static* at *static* AWAY FROM ACTIVE *static* COMBAT *static* on the outskirts of *static* South Goldendale *static* R-repeat: This is *static**click*"[/i] The mere mention of being taken into Goldendale proper, where guerrilla tactics would be more effective, was apparently enough to wake Vanir up, she was the first to respond. "About fucking time!" "Yeah." Aesir said, looking to the group, "Looks like you guys have a place to be." Nari tilted her head, "'You guys?'" She hoisted the service rifle over her shoulder, "Yeah..." she pulled the face wrap up to her nose, "I'm gonna head south, see what I can find out about... Intel... stuff." "Well we're coming with you!" Was Vanir's immediate response. Aesir held up her hand, as if to ward off the thought, "Nah, you guys need to help retake Goldendale-- don't wanna piss off Clearwater too much. I'm leaving you in charge, Vanir." "But what if--" "No." She moved to leave, "I'll see you guys later," "When?" Aesir shrugged, a smile on her face, "I don't really know." [hider=Outcome]-Aesir has traveled south into NCR held township territory to gather intel -The remainder of the 8th Recon's elite unit have been taken north into Goldendale to help slowly retake the town[/hider]