[quote=darkwolf687]They did fine, eh? WW1: Russia left the war during the revolution, America only actual joined battle for half a year despite having officially been at war for over a year (Though I'd say this was more greed) and the French had to set up machine guns facing away from the Germans because so many of their soldiers kept running away.[/quote] Less greed, more "Germany is violating too many trade deals, attacking innocent ships, trying to get out ally and neighbor (Mexico) to attack us and trying to take over Europe from countries we had generally warm relations with. Also, boots on the ground are great and everything, but having a source raw materials and supplies are incredibly important to winning a war, you can be mad that America profited off of the sales it conducted, but don't pretend those sales didn't play a vital role. [quote=darkwolf687]WW2: The French surrendered[/quote] They totally didn't though, France never stopped fighting. [quote=darkwolf687]Russians only fought because Stalin was worse (In fact, many towns in Western Russia at first thanked the Germans for conquering them and didnt resist)[/quote] True. Though, they also fought because "muh Polska, muh Eastern Bloc" [quote=darkwolf687]The Chinese collapsed into a civil war[/quote] It was less "shit let's fight each other" and more "OH NO JAPAN IS #RECKING US OUT OF NOWHERE WHAT DO WE DO?" Cities were razed and Japanese militants, without supervision, did some sick things to the Chinese population. Don't marginalize their sacrifice and contribution, they never stopped fighting either. Also Korea didn't escape unscathed, never4get [quote=darkwolf687] the USA only joined half way through and got their arse handed to them until they swallowed their pride and joined up with the British and Frew French (I am of course reffering to Africa... Where the American soldiers ran away in their first battles).[/quote] Way to completely ignore the airmen who dominated the American and Canadian contributions to the African theatre. Why do people always forget about the Tuskegee airmen? They OWNED the American east African campaign. Not only that, but Italy was constantly being kicked out of east Africa, especially by [url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/First_Italo-Ethiopian_War]Ethiopia[/url] (I should add they maintained complete independence even during the scramble for Africa). It's unfair to say American's "ran away," more that we helped, but we really weren't needed, no one was. Italy just can't beat Ethiopia, 2independent4them. --Also, what about the Pacific Campaign? Russia had not 50 years prior lost a war to Glorious Nippon, if they managed to make their way through China to Russia the war would have been very different. [quote=darkwolf687]The Germans and Italians lost the war.[/quote] *and Japanese and Romanians and Latvians [quote=darkwolf687]I that they did fine.[/quote] Everyone except Romanians. [quote=darkwolf687]Right, and when the revolution starts you expect the world to be fine with such? Oh, and the people will win? This is the 21st century, now more than ever rich people have the advantage.[/quote] You both have a point, this is the 21st century, widespread desire for revolution has grown complacent, and the last major groups for social change (The Black Panthers, '70's/and the Anarchists of the early 20th century) have all but died out. Still, to say people hold 0 power is a broad assumption to make. I mean, "rich" is only a relative term, all it takes is a large enough group of people no longer accepting the technically worthless fiat currency. [quote=darkwolf687]And the other uneven playing field? So you know, France after the French revolution and Russia after the October revolution all ended up so even, right?[/quote] Uhh, the Paris Commune? That shit worked great while it lasted, as did the Catalonian Autonomous Anarchistic zone post Spanish Civil war. Emma Goldman considered it a successful example of Anarchism in action. Hell, even Haiti post-revolution would have been boss if France hadn't fucked them over. With all of these things it's always some larger entity pressuring the smaller entity to cave in. [hider=](Don't mention Somali, they aren't anarchist-- they have a horribly weak and corrupt central government)[/hider]