(In case you wondered why: no romance is going to take place between our characters, because my character is going to be a child.) [Hider=plot (it's a little bit long)]Our story takes place in a world full of fantasy creatures, living in a modern world. Humans, in this case, are very religious beings, believing in one God. To them, there is only one God, who has made the world and all of the planet's inhabitants as they are. However, recently, one exception is found: shapeshifters. The people are convinced by their priests that their God has intended each creation to only be able to take on one form and not be able to change its form at will. Shapeshifters are unlike this. They are abominations, children of the devil, who gave them their hideous second form, they are not meant to exist. So, mankind starts hunting them. They search for the creatures and kill them, some even publicly, to entertain the common people. Now, unlike humans, shapeshifters do not believe in just one god. They believe in multiple gods, which are closely related to nature. Because of this, they live in nature, having made the forests their home. Some species share it with them for short amounts of time. Such as werewolves, who during the days before, at and after full moon, stay at the forest. Because they visit pretty often and share the ability to change their forms, shapeshifters and werewolves are believed to be very fond of one another, and as their allies, werewolves refuse to hunt the shapeshifters. Other allies are elves, which in this world, are known to always be on the road, and cross the forest every now and then. And of course, the allies of humans are the ones they live with, being gnomes, vampires and orcs. However, back at the hunt, let me tell you a secret: the religious hate is nothing but a cover up. The truth is simple: humans are running out of space. They want to build more, but the nature loving shapeshifters refuse to abandon their beloved forest. But if those are driven to extinction, who would stop the humans from destroying the forest? Now, your character is a human who has it all: fame, money, a large house and a gorgeous wife, yet he misses one thing in his life: a child, and due to his wife being infertile, he is unlikely to ever have a child. However, when he one day goes for a walk, your character notices something, a child that it severely hurt, beaten up, bleeding and barely breathing. Your character takes the child home and takes care of her, soon finding out that she is a shapeshifter. Now, as your character should be supportive of the hunt due to his fame and position (he could be a priest), he keeps it secret from everyone, including his wife. But for how long can he keep this a secret, and what if he finds out the truth about the hunt?[/hider]