[quote=tathgon] "Thank you, ma'am." Ian said politely, following Nurse Garza inside while giving a wave to Hector who was returning to the car. "Are there rules that I should know about while I stay here?" Ian asked Nurse Garza. He hadn't been told that much about the home, only that he'd be going because his parents said so. [/quote] Nurse Garza said like she didn't even have to think about it at all. "You can't be sleeping in another person's room without permission! We had a accident with this one. To go out ask a nurse or me to open the door for when your doing 'Sports activity', since there is a alarm in each door.You have to take your meds. The me and the other nurses will give you them at Breakfast, Lunch, and supper. No roaming the halls after curfew." She said as she escorts him to his room. [quote=BranchOfSin] Susanoo walked down the stairs smelling the air. "At least I can remember that scent!" Susanoo said as he hurried down the stairs to the kitchen. Once he arrived he ran towards the plate of cookies, grabbing one before anyone had the poosibility to grab one. He took a chunk off the cookie and ate it. "These are so Good, who made these" Susanoo asks in the kitchen. [/quote] The young nurse chuckles softly "I did, I'm making hot chocolate with it. So don't eat them all kids!" She laughs softly, she always liked it when people loved her cooking. She only needed to finish one more cup of hot chocolate then she will had them to the kids and they will be sitting down next to the fire. [quote=22xander] VUl shrugs and runs after her. [/quote] Tori stopped at the plate of cookies and takes one nibbling on it with a nice kind smile "I. Love. Cookies!" She says moaning softly of the wonderful taste of the cookies. She jumped up and down in happiness.