"How are you out of guns?" Danielle groaned, resting her head on the counter in defeat, the Irish and rotund man behind the counter viewed the lithe girl with pity in his eyes, her responded to her in a gruff voice. "Look, sweetheart-- Denny, I've known you your whole life--" "I know!" She cut in, "I know you have, Pete." Her voice was soft, but passionate, filled with a new desperation, "Pete, [i]please[/i] help me. I know you've got something back there." Pete saw the people running through the clear doors of the shop, and licked his lips. He hadn't been keeping up with the news, business today had been too good. All he knew, was that people were leaving town for one reason or another, and they were buying like crazy. They had all seemed urgent, but none quite struck him with the same anxious fear as little Denny. She was good people-- she wouldn't come in here like this... Still, it wasn't the end of the world! Pete's beady eyes darted around before he responded, "Y-you don't even have a license! I can't just--" "Pete." touching his arm lightly with the word, Denny looked the pawn shop owner in the eye. He let out a low growl sounding noise from the back of his throat before pointing a meaty finger at the woman, a stern expression on his face, "Now don't you say I never gave you nothin'." The large red haired man left Denny standing at the counter of the small pawn shop as he marched to the back through a door, looking for something. She looked around. The pawn shop was familiar, [i]Pete's Pawn[/i]! She had been going here her entire life, her Father had first brought her here... years ago now. The noise of the rushing mobs brought her back to reality, people were running outside-- looting, she was lucky to be here. Safe behind cheap neon and bullet proof plastic. She didn't know what was happening, the radio mentioned a virus and the possibility of hysteria... but this...? She was lucky she had Pete. She barely survived the mob over here, it'd be hell getting out of the city, especially on foot. A slight cough gave told her Pete was back, she turned from the door to face him with a grin, "Alright--" He said, hoisting a small [url=http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/3/39/Rucksack_Schweizer_Armee_1960er_a.jpg]gray backpack[/url] onto the counter, he looked at her with his bushy orange eyebrows furrowed and continued, "I, uhh, I y'know, but some basic stuff you'll need to get out the city, survive on your own-- you know, some extra clothes you might need, unmentionables, hygiene, stuff I had in back might help you, uhh, few bottles of water..." He wiped his eyes before going on, "Y-y'know, stuff you might like, might need, might uhh, help you, in leaving the city," He sniffed and rubbed his eye, as if wiping away a tear. Daniele leaned in, concern in her voice "Pete..." He laughed and shook his head, "Nahh, I'm good," he reached into his back pocket, pulling out a [url=http://www.taurususa.com/images/imagesMain/taurus-1-tau_1_738039p.jpg]small pink gun[/url], ".308... to help you out... sorry it ain't black..." She hugged him. --- The freeway now. She had somehow made it out of the riotous city and was walking alongside the cars trying to evacuate, they weren't moving at all. She sighed as she continued walking, moving faster than the parked cars of the evacuees.