At the merman's first attempt to communicate, all she heard were clicks and whistles, much like a dolphin's. She was amused but was also a little disappointed, thinking that there would be a lot of miscommunication. Suddenly, she heard a sentence come out of his mouth which sounded much more comprehensible. Gwen grinned and gave him a thumbs up. "Awesome! It's a pleasure to meet you Runo," she said cheerfully. Tanikazi beside her had also responded to the merman but she could hear the doubt in his voice. "Yeah, I agree. How did you all end up here anyway?" Gwen asked, directing the question to both Tanikazi and Runo. Gwen hadn't forgotten the real reason why she was there and knew that she was going to have to take DNA samples soon but it wasn't exactly fair for her to go around poking needles into strange creatures without their permission. She just felt that it would be a better idea to gain their trust first. Who knows, maybe they would all be able to figure out the mystery of the pyramid together. It was then that Gwen wondered what the other humans were up to.