[quote=Spriggs27] Naomi kept up her walking as Yosuke caught up with her, she didn't stop as Yosuke began to talk to her about getting out of here together." Okay what happens if I break my leg ? Or what if I get badly hurt. Are you just gonna carry around dead weight ? Or stay with the body ? " She asked sounding irritated, She hobbled along further with Yosuke as he started to apologize to her about her parents." I don't see what you should be sorry about, my father was driving, not me or my mother or little sister, there isn't anything you should be sorry about, People die, we all do, some die before others," Naomi sounded cold as she spoke about her parents. [/quote] Yosuke normally tried to keep his cool, but he knew no matter what he was going to lose in this situation. He could be like [i]Yeah, sure I'll leave you to rot.[/i] and that would obviously be both a lie, and he'd sound like a not funny total douche bag. Or, he could say [i]I would fucking end myself for you, Naomi.[/i] like a loser, and it wouldn't change her mind, and she still wouldn't like him back. She was also being super depressing and stuff, and although Yosuke could be a bit of a pessimist, he never straight up said [i]Yeah no it's cool my parents are dead, people die, whatevs.[/i] So, Yosuke did the obviously very logical thing, and hugged her. "Naomi, I'm gonna be honest here, Yes. If you busted your leg, I'd carry you. If you died, I'd stay with you." Yosuke said, his voice oddly even and calm. He then let go of her, and held out the palm of his hand. "You can stab me now, if you want. I'd understand. I know you don't like me like that." Yosuke half-joked, with a smirk. "I just, needed to get that off my chest."