I'm Back!! Let's get this SHOW ON THE ROAD. [quote=The Fated Fallen] Yeah, as I said. I built my character to interact with other characters. That is why I am leaving. I don't want to do an Roleplay where I don't play with other people, because then it isn't roleplaying [/quote] You are quite wrong on that point, if you are indeed still lurking around this thread then here's some advice; Just leave. This is not what you want obviously, so basically we're just wasting time here. I do however, despite how rude I seem, wish you the best of luck in finding what you want, and enjoying it. It's a big world out there, go with peace my roleplaying brethren and find that which you seek. [quote=swampogreknight] Hey! joining this rp as a mage in Aelholt. [/quote] Your character is denied. Here's why: The VERY FIRST LINE, on the front page. Go read it. I didn't read it, because I noticed the backstory was a single paragraph. This is advanced, and I hate to sound so elitist about this, [i][b]But this is advanced.[/b][/i] To Do (most important things first) Summary of Magic in the World* Noble Houses, brief summary of the family trees.* *Go over each CS and find the approvables, work on the unapprovables. *How to curse! (Yes this is a thing!) If I promised something other than those to be done, please remind me as I have forgotten. It's been a hellishly busy three days and oh lord are my legs and arms dead (Hands work fine though! No worries). Thankyou for sticking around, and thankyou Roman and Kapu for properly explaining the vision while I was away. Roman I almost just want to approve you know based on the intelligent posts I've just read, but, fair is fair :) [quote=Shard] Actually...I am taking a step out of this too. Best of luck to everyone. [/quote] If you're still lurking, I'm sorry to see you go. Haven't read the PM's yet, but perhaps there is something I did to affect this decision? Otherwise I will assume life got in the way, or your desires changed. ----- Update. 3 accepted characters. 2 pending. 1 to be made (mine). Kapuchu wins the secret CS contest you did not know about. A riveting 8 pages. (1+ gold to his character) (I actually just made that contest up about 5 minutes ago, expect things like this :P)